I came across this interesting info-graphic from the team at thinkwithgoogle.com. Peep it below. insha’Allah I’ll share start sharing even more content like this since I love marketing. The most …
How to Apply Best Customer Service Practices for Daw’ah
Salam, Being in the entrepreneur mode lately, I’ve been thinking about what makes certain companies successful. After reading up on some which are the cream of the crop in customer …
The Good Life: Remembering Not to Forget Allah
Salam Yo, I’ve always loved marketing, most importantly the consumer psychological/behavior aspect of it which is extremely interesting when you start studying it deeply. I’ll give you one example. Pepperidge …
Testing a New Market: the Muslim-American Consumer
Here is a recent video that was produced by Illume Magazine. It’s great to see Best Buy recognizing consumer values and marketing to Muslims, maybe if Circuit City did the …
Skype Sends Eid Wishes to Muslims Around the World
It’s great to see more and more companies reaching out to the Muslim market. This time it’s Skype! Your favorite internet communication company, well at least mine. Skype is allowing …