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What does your name mean?


Just the other day something came to my mind, I was wondering what do we keep with us our whole life besides our Good and Bad deeds. The Answer? our name. Since day one we have kept our names, but even more deeply all of our names hold meanings and define special characteristics.

Some of them even carry on famous influential figures in history. It’s just interesting how someone can call us by our name as long as we live but as we go about our life the question is, do we live the meaning or our name?

I looked up my name on multiple websites and this is what I got…

Saad – Male – rated 3/5

Meaning- Good Luck, fortunate

Origin – Arabic

Its Popularity amongst popular names in the US census real exclusive as you can see from the chart below, I got this from

I never knew their can be multiple origins, according to the Aramaic origin, “Saad” means “Aid” or “Support”

Seems like altogether, I mean fortunate helper…haha.

According to Wikiepdia, my name means ”

Saad or Sa’ad is a male Arabic given name that means joy, happiness, and blessing. People named Sa’ad include:

Wow its a blessing to share a name with Sahabah‘s that were so great! Alhumduillah.

Well what does your name mean and it might be a little early but what will you name your child?

and oh yea, if your name means something positive which I hope it does, you should ask yourself am I living by what I really mean? Inshallah think about it..Waslaaam my brothers and sisters.

Check out some more baby names here

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