Muslim Woman Gym at Harvard University
Wow never knew Harvard university would accommodate Muslim woman to get specialized gyms , this is straight shariah law! (in case you didn’t know Shariah means source of water)
See educated institutions do things for the betterment of everyone. Any how’s guess what? all you Muslim woman going to Harvard you now have your own gym, so you don’t need to worry about problems such as men looking at you or listening to whispers of shatan and not controlling their gaze. Yahoo news first showed the story here. Also to my cousin Ayaz for sharing it with me first.
But I must say Mashallah, it’s good to know Muslim woman are being treated with respect. In addition modesty is recognized by top educational institutions in the west.
The article stated:
No men are allowed in the gym between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. on Mondays, and between 8 a.m. and 10 a.m on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Even the staff during those times is all women.
The special hours allow the Muslim women, who adhere to traditional dress codes by covering their hair and most of their skin while in public, to dress more appropriately for exercising, said Susan Marine, director of the women’s center.
“It’s a pretty big breach of their moral and religious code for a man to see them with their hair uncovered and it’s just not possible for them to be in a mixed environment,” she said.
That’s good mashallah, its easy for us to judge Non Muslims but by looking at this situation we can learn that if you show people respect, they will look out for you. Allah put us here for a reason, we have to learn how to deal with people and use our resources for halal positive purposes. The key is good character and having mutual discussions.
Now go work our your nuffs (inner desires)!
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