Salam Yo, The other day I was talking with one of my managers at work and we ended up discussing religion. He’s very philosophical, so he’ll say things like “there …
Jay-Z & Kanye West Tour Manager accepts Islam – The Deen Show (Video)
Masha’Allah, former tour manager for top celebrity’s Br. George Green by the guidance of Allah swt become Muslim recently this year. He had the opportunity to perform Umrah this month …
1 Min read
How to Talk to Young Muslims
Salam Yo, One of the topics I’ve been thinking about lately is how parents or in general elders speak to young Muslims who are far from the Deen. Often times, …
1 Min read
How to Apply Best Customer Service Practices for Daw’ah
Salam, Being in the entrepreneur mode lately, I’ve been thinking about what makes certain companies successful. After reading up on some which are the cream of the crop in customer …
5 Min read
How Not to Talk at a Muslim Student College Event
Invite them to the way of your Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching; and argue with them in ways that are best and most gracious: for your Lord knows best, …
2 Min read