Be Real With Yourself…Pray 5x a day.
Have you wondered what you can do for Allah, well guess what? You can do everything for the sake of Allah. But the most important action which Allah loves is Salat (praying). A lot of us including me I would say haven’t prioritized our life to be revolved around salat or salah…wait what’s the difference? Actually it’s the same thing. Potato or Po-tato.
We know all that salah is the second pillar of Islam. Allah says in the Holy Qur’an: “I have not created the jinn and humankind for any other purpose except that they should worship me.”
The other day i was doing wudu in the bathroom at college and and some rock looking dude saw me in the middle of washing my feet, he asked me “what are you doing” looking at me like i was an alien. Ding! My dawah bell rang and i told him the whole wisdom behind wudu and outer purification and why its so important before we stand in front of Allah to pray. I have to say he was impressed by what he heard, Anyway his name was dusty and i wondered maybe if he did wudu then he can change his name…not so dusty anymore :).
A lot of times we think we have to put emphasis on talking when giving dawah, but the best dawah is the dawah which is put into practice. When people see you do something which they find interesting they will most likely look at your weird or ask you, if they dont you should talk to them and tell them why you do what you do.
So back to salat, it disciplines our soul, it brings us in constant reminder of our purpose of life and it is the most important purifying act. Our beloved Prophet Muhammad before he left this world to go to heaven put emphasis on salat and said it will be the first thing we will be questioned about on the day of judgment.
For those who are wondering how beautiful salat is, check out this hadith.
The Rasulallah once asked his companions “Tell me if there was a river at the door step of one of you in which you washed 5 times a day would any of your dirt remain?” When he received the reply that none of it would remain he then said “That is like the 5 times Salah, with which Allah wipes out sin.
Alhumduillah in my college we started to have jamat this semester, inshallah we get 70 times more reward for the prayers we have done together. College life takes a 180 degree turn when you pray salat with the Muslims on campus. I mean for all the fitnah that goes on, when i come out of class now I feel like a turtle ready to go into my shell.
Interesting enough to say, the highest form of submission in salat is when we go down and bow our head on the floor (sujud) and say Allahu Akbar. Think about that, we don’t bow to no one except Allah. All praise is due to him alone.
One more hadith before i wrap up like a mummy, once our beloved Prophet Muhammad shook a dry branch of a tree so that all of the leaves of the branch fell off, than the Prophet said “The sins of those who pray Salah, drop off as the leaves of this branch fell off.”
So stop playing with your life, start praying with pure intention. Inshallah I gotta work on my salat also and i hope we all do. Jazakullah for reading this post… go play…I mean Pray!
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