Man In India Marry’s a Dog…Astukfurillah.
Astugfurillah when dennis rodman married himself a while back, i was like wow, how low can a person get in life.
But after coming across this marriage ceremony which happened in India, i have to say this is the most haram thing ever. A man in India married a Dog, yea thats right a Dog, not Dmx the Rapper. How can a person marry a dog? This deserves a mad haram yo.
Hindu’s are weird. The man in india who married a dog said his reason was to break a curse which was bought onto him after he killed two dogs and hung them.
The dogs name was Selvi, the dog was washed, dressed up and was given the ceremony as any hindu wedding would be. The man who’s name is selvarkumar even gave the dog a gift which was a garland.
Mad Haram Yo? how is a dog going to be your companion in life? where you going to go for your honeymoon? Petco.
What you going to eat at your wedding? Dog biryani….Astukfurillah.
Alhumduillah gotta be happy we are muslim, have tawhid…Inshallah Allah swt guides these people and polytheists.
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