Real busy…
Sorry everyone for not posting for a couple of days, I actually have started a new job and I’m working full time like a slave, haha. It’s all good we are slaves of Allah (swt) Alhumduillah, but yea I come home late everyday now. Inshallah I will post some new article’s soon. Until then go sell halal rice krispie treats and get your halal hustle on.
Oh yea before I bounce I want you to please listen to this recitation, this makes my day after I come home from work. No music can match this recitation. I can’t wait till ramadan, I will go to astoria to visit this masjid because this sheikh’s recitation is breathtaking. Check it out. His name is Shiekh Ahmad, he’s from Egypt. Don’t get it twisted.
To wrap it all up, here is one beautiful hadith which I was discussing with some of my friends today. Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (s) said : “God loves to see his servant exhausted after an honest day’s work”. (Ad-daylami)
Look at the blessing in making halal money…I’m out, Gotta pray Isha and go to sleep. Be back like my hairline… =). Wasalaam.