We Ride Together, We Die Together, But We’re All Buried Alone”
The intelligent one is the one who remembers death most often, and prepares for it. They leave this world in honor and with the blessings of the Hereafter. [Ibn Abi Dunya]
One thing I realized as a Muslim, from the different transitions in my life was that every soul shall taste death, as I sometimes sit and think, will I be ready for death when the angel of death comes for me?, I think its something to seriously think about, I mean sometimes I think, when I wasn’t on the deen during high school, Allah could have taken my life, and I could have died in that state, but alhumduillah I didn’t.
I have learned alot, but one thing to remember for everyone is knowing right and wrong is worthless if we don’t practice it, and no one is perfect walking the earths surface. We all commit sin, but its important we remain conscious of our actions in what we are doing all the time, because we never know and its so vital to our success in this life and the hereafter, in reference to the hadith i put all the way on the top.
A couple of months ago alhumduillah i was able to attend an Islamic fund raiser with Mufti Jamal Uddin, Mufti Abdul Rehman Ibn Yusuf, and Shaykh Hasan, so you know the speeches were hot. Besides that the last speech with skaykh hasan wrapped the day up lovely, he said some amazing stuff, but one thing he said that got to me was that, people get so caught up in this life, to the point where they think they are going to be here forever.
Then when the angel of death comes to them, the first think they ask him is “can i go back?” and have another chance in the life that was given to me but no when the times comes thats it, its not like the rolex you have with rechargeable battery’s, its a death clock, and when the times up its up. I mean look its certain we will all face death in the Quran it says Say: “The Angel of Death, put in charge of you, will (duly) take your souls: then shall you be brought back to your Lord. (32:11).
So we learn that there is no escape, actually i heard a story also from shaykh hasan which was funny but very true, about a man who tried his best to escape death, i am not that good at telling stories so it wont be as accurate as it should be, so anyhows you have this guy, and he tried his best to escape death, he ran from the deserts of saudi arabia to india where he was totally secluded, but of course he couldn’t escape it, anyhows if you think about, no one can escape it, Allah says in the Quran.. Wherever you are, death will find you out, even if you are towers built up strong and high. (4:78)
So I will try to draw this scenario out
here is the guy
—->>>> =( … he’s running from death in this direction, and in reality death is coming closer to him <<<<——–
So yea real talk, I mean people get scared, why? it is what it is, don’t deny it, get ready for it, and no one likes to think about hell all the time, but trust me its good to, to remind ourselves that first and foremost Allah is watching, then we should tell people also the pleasures of paradise, this will help people sacrifice the pleasures of this life and listen to what Allah tells us in every aspect of our life and how to practice ISLAM righteously.
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