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living life the halal way….

halal_200.gifsalam, so i was on as i usually do with the random search for questions..that confused muslims put up.. and i came across a question, about whether or not your allowed to shop at wal mart? at first i was laughing and burning mad calories in my stomach like wal mart haraam?, but i got back in iman mode and it actually made me retort to one of own memories! gotta chill with the laughter, alot of this stuff is serious!

The question is would it be permissible to shop at Wal-mart, knowing that it’s business organization has some dishonesty and cheating?

Anwerserd By

Shaykh Faraz Rabbani, SunniPath Academy Teacher

Walaikum assalam wa rahmatullah,

This would not, in itself, make it a religious duty or expectation to avoid shopping at Wal-Mart. In general, however, it is praiseworthy to support businesses of with good business, employment, and environmental practices, as much as one reasonably can without personal hardship or harm.

me again..

makes sense, but recently i went to a deli in new york, around my way, and i walked in with a friend, when i walked in i saw beer, lotto, all the haram stuff that delis carry, but what was funny was i saw a sister in hijab at the register, then a brother at the lotto machine!

i dont live under shariah law or anything, but when i see muslims doing wild things out of there limits, i tend to ask them sometimes, depends how pissed off i am. Im not part of no fitnah police or anything just to let you know.

So anyhows i go up to the brother, i asked him if he was muslim, he said “alhumduillah”, then i immediately asked him right after why does he sell all these impermissible things, and he said “alhumduillah” again, which is kind of slick, but saying all praise is due to “Allah swt”, to shut me up, but then he went on and said “brother this is america, we do business for everyone” so i decided to say something again, but my friend just told me to leave, he bought me two packs of chips from his deli, and i ate them, i was confused about whether or not i should support the business, but in america its real hard, to walk into a store and not see other haraam things being sold.

As our beloved Prophet Muhammad s said ” The Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace) told us,


“Allah is Pure, and accepts only the pure.” [Related by Muslim and Tirmidhi]

Its just sad to see how some Muslims are dependent on haraam consumption to make a living! astugfurillah, inshallah Allah swt guide the muslim ummah and open there hearts to official islamic practices, and give them a better understanding of living life righteously according to quran and sunnah! ameen.

Imagine the haram consumption coming in, and with that they buy food, and a house and everything, there is no baraqa in that, and its like you are branching the haraam, the source is haram, and of course its deception to try to cover up and act like we are living all good with this kind of consumption, because Allah swt knows best always! and of course islam discusses about all this interest, to selling drugs to selling haraam meat, so lotto, to beer, you know the deal!

In a narration, the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him eternal peace) described the consumption of Haram food as the main cause for the non-acceptance of supplications (dua).

He (Allah bless him & give him peace) mentioned a man having journeyed far, is dishevelled and dusty and who spreads out his hands to the sky (saying): O Lord! O Lord! – While his food is Haram, his drink is Haram, his clothing is Haram, and his nourishment is Haram, so how can his dua be answered! (Sahih Muslim).


till next time im out wasalaam!!
