An Intimate Conversation With Suhaib Webb from Mustafa Davis on Vimeo.
Why You Should Invest in Spiritual Capital
Assalamualaikum! Ever had that moment where you’re sitting in class, half alert, you hear one sentence or one word and all of a sudden you have an epiphany about something …
5 Min read
Colgate Herbal Miswak Toothpaste
As the Muslim market continues to grow, more and more brands are cleverly creating products and services that Muslim consumers love. Here is a photo I recently saw of Colgate …
1 Min read
3 Ways to Write Compelling Blog Post Titles
Alhumdulilah, ever since I’ve started my chill yo islam yo blog and attempted to create new articles (posts), I’ve realized certain practices are more effective when your looking to attract …
1 Min read
What Is Going on in Syria? (Video)
The least we can do is stand up for prayer and continue spreading awareness about what is going on. May Allah (swt) protect and grant victory to the innocent people …
1 Min read