If your new to this blog, Welcome!

If you have just recently arrived, you might be interested in checking out my previously written articles which readers have found appealing.

Check them out below, be sure to leave some feedback after each article.  Your comments are always appreciated =).


Oink Oink! How Piggish have we become?

Don’t Poke Out Your Spiritual Eye!

Tarbiya or Disturbia?


Self Development

Grow the beard! How to Give Dawah and Not Scare Muslims Away

Yo Brother That’s Not A Cigarette, That’s Cigaweed! Astugfurillah

Anger Management..

Finding Moderation, Fighting our Animalistic Desires..

Becoming a Leader, Protecting Your Flock

Shaking Hands with the Opposite Gender

Waking up for Fajr…

Why You Should Take the High Road When Others Aren’t

How to Take Constructive Criticism Without Getting Angry



Why Music? When We have Nasheeds and Quran!

Grow The Beard, Wear The Hijab, Be Modest!

Making Power Moves

Love For the Quran



Islamic Pick Up Lines? What the Haram?

Better Recognize Animals Rights

Let Your Wifey Work?


Controlling Desires

Islam and Obesity (Why People are so fat)

A Pound a Day will Keep Shatan Away

Material Slavery

Real Halal Talk

Smoking Cigarettes and Hookah, is it the Same?

Jumu’ah Prayer Tip: Don’t Block Your Neighbors Driveway

Risk Analysis, Why shouldn’t you get a tattoo?

Beating Your Wife in Islam is Not Allowed, Get it Straight!

Ramadan Ending Party’s (What the Haram!)

Turn off the HellPhone Yo! Its Prayer Time.

Tell the truth Pinocchio


Seek Knowledge

Why are Muslims Earning Haram Income?

What You Know About Islam in Spain (Al-Andalus)?

Nigger What?



Driving Pass the Dunya

It’s OK to be a Strange Muslim


If you want to send me a suggestion, complaint, or discuss something with me in general, don’t hesitate to send me an email at

Enjoy! Peace out.


  • Du'a
    December 6, 2011 at 4:52 am

    very nice and very informative Islamic Articles great website thanks for share with us May blessed you …regards !

  • aqiqah
    August 3, 2012 at 4:25 am

    good article to be read to increase knowledge

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