Moon sighting…Moon fighting….Chill out..Eid Mubarak!
Salam, First and foremost, i would like to say “Eid Mubarak” to everyone in the world, Inshallah i hope everyone had a blessed Ramadan, and sadly this beautiful month is over, our training is over now we gotta get in shape and since shatan is getting bailed out and is almost out, be ready to control yourself, don’t transgress, already im tired of the moon fighting as it happens every year, same cycle over and over,half celebrate it a day early the others a day later, some two days later, i think we should just celebrate, i mean come on its eid, we are looking for the moon, not a shooting star, its not that hard, there is only one moon, its not like jupiter where their are 20 moons, so lighten up, as Prophet Isa (we send our peace and blessings upon him) said:
Be in gentleness towards people like the earth beneath your feet
in Generosity be like the flowing water’s
and in Mercy, be like the sun and moon, for they rise and set upon on the righteous and the wicked
so tomorrow is the eid prayer, inshallah gotta make it on time, not desi timing, and gotta wear good fresh clothes, and put on good smelling attar..(oils)
and remember this month coming up, our Prophet Muhammad said if a person fast 6 days this month after Ramadan it would be as if he had fasted the whole year….
Again Eid Mubarak, don’t gain 100 pounds eating tomorrow, wear clean socks to the eid prayer so the person praying behind you isn’t distracted for the ferocious smell, take a shower, don’t fast tomorrow, its mad haram and get to the prayer on time, and drop the money in the donation for fitrah!!!!
Wasalaam Yo, Eid Mubarak Again, Love your brother in Islam….Saaad Ahmad Rashad.