Islam and Obesity (Why People are so fat)
What do you do to fulfill your desires? Ask different people and you will certainly get different answers, but looking upon the state of society we can say that some individuals drink excessively, some do drugs, some worship money and become obsessive compulsive gamblers and then their are those who eat like theres no tomorrow.
Considering as a country we consume much of the worlds resources, its interesting to know we also waste much also, but nevertheless thats not my point, i wanted to talk a little bit about people who eat like they have two stomachs and have developed such a big belly that they can’t see their toes when they look down.
Many people don’t know this but protecting the stomach is one of the things which Islam put high priority towards and their is much wisdom behind it. Did you know that eating excessively hardens the heart, it weakens the limbs, this in return has an immediate effect on your laziness in obedience. Our beloved Prophet Muhammad said ‘The son of Adam has not filled a vessel more evil than his belly. Sufficient for the son of Adam are morsels to sustain his back. But if this is impossible, then let him keep a third for his food and a third for his water and a third for his breath.’ (Related by Related by al-Tirmidhī)
Essentially regulating gratification is the main theme here or as we say in the modern world ” Watch What You Eat”. See with all the modern techniques to combat weight loss and help people live a better lifestyle, i would have to say with alot of sincerity that if we as humans look towards our beloved Prophet and followed simple directions then perhaps we can see how our life’s can transform. From a physical and spiritual standpoint.
Go Ahead Try leaving 1/3 of your stomach empty every time you eat, and make it a habit. I promise you will notice the immediate difference in your everyday productivity. Coming from a desi family, I obviously have eaten much hell spices my whole life and still often continue to do so. Although its real unhealthy, the reason we can’t seem to give it up is because of taste.
What I learned from this is that if you want to see a change in your life, you will have to let go of your desires and control yourself. You have to condition your body and soul so that it becomes less dependent on the world. Yes you will have to make sacrifices, maybe let go of some tasty food or habits which you have become used to. But in the end sacrifice pays off, its sort of like leaving life as a believer. We all know Allah swt created this life with hardships but if we pass we will be in heaven, its your choice to have fun right now or in the afterlife. Intelligent people always think about the future.
Our beloved Prophet Muhammad also said ” He who’s stomach is full in this world will be hungry for longest in the Hereafter” (Related by al- Tarbani on the Authority of Salman) See how much the Sunnah talks about watching your stomach! Anyhows that pretty much does, Just because you have a dollar don’t run to the dollar menu, save up and buy some organic my brothers and sisters. I will end with a quote by Shaykh Hamza Yusuf ” The reason why people are so fat is because their souls are starving”. Wow Subhanullah. Also remember the reason why we are Slaves of Allah the Almighty is because we are Free of our inner animal driven desires.
Next time you start eating, please watch what you eat. The fatter someone is, the less space in the prayer line. Haha. Drop me a comment, tell me what you think…..Alright Wa’salaam!