Chill Yo Islam Yo





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Attention: Fake Quran being Printed and sold on Amazon….

Salam, fake-quran.jpg

I wanted to let everyone know I just got an email stating that a fake quran is being sold on Amazon, The Islam haters are at it again. Spread the Word, Make dua that this is eliminated and Inshallah do your best to inform people about the Holy Quran. Not this bootleg shatan kuffar project. It’s called “The True Furqan”, two publishing companies including ‘omega 2001’ and ‘wine press’ are involved in printing this.

This fake quran is twisting up about 77 surah’s, eliminating ayahs and changing our original belief’s and law’s by God Almighty. Astugfurillah. It’s being called the ‘the 21st century Quran’.

May God Almighty guide people and protect us from going astray. Ameen. Spread the word about this peacefully and an a organized educated manner Inshallah.