Chill Yo Islam Yo





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Anger Management!

kosher anger?If there are any jews visiting my site, sorry i had to use this picture, but it came up when i typed controlling anger in google images, but dont worry we gotta have halal and kosher anger management, and thats what leads me to my next post about controlling our anger!!

so yea today we discuseed it in my weekly young muslims neigbhornet meaning “masjid gatherings”, and i happened to bring it up as a topic, because today i was mad heated, basically i lost my patience, and shatan took over me, and i felt like haraam meat cooked on a grill afterwards so i had to readjust myself with some good dialogue with brother musa, who told me a hadith

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said repeatedly to the one who asked him for advice,
“Do not get angry.” [Bukhari, from Abu Hurayra (Allah be pleased with him)]

In his commentary on Imam Malik’s Muwatta’, Imam Suyuti quotes Imam Baji as saying,

“The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) gathered all good for this man in one short expression, because anger causes great harm to both religion and worldly life as a result of what one says or does when angry.

so you understand??? alhumduillah i did after he told me, and you know the great thing about brotherhood is that when one muslim brother does something wrong, another is there to correct him and give him advice, so inshallah find your sheeps and take care of your flocks. here are the principles below!

1. Turning to Allah, and seeking refuge in Allah, from Satan.

2. Silence.

Our beloved Prophet Muhammad s stated “If you get angry, stay silent.” [Ahmad]

3. Change your physical posture.
The Prophet (Allah bless him & give him peace) is reported to have said, “If you get angry while standing, sit down…. If you get angry while sitting, lie down.” The wisdom in this is that it prevents one from doing that which one’s anger would have made one do in that posture.

4. Perform ritual ablutions
The Prophet informed us that anger is from Satan, and he was created from fire, so we should extinguish anger with ritual ablutions. [Abu Dawud]

so makes sense you fight fire with water! not fire with fire, cause that just spreads, YOU DIG!!! we gotta learn to cool off and be the better people, cause thats how we are going to change our hearts and change society, we gotta flip the situation and remember every trial is of course a test and we gotta remind ourselves of how to revive the sunnah in every way we can inshallah, its kind of late, i gotta pray isha inshallah….and jazakullah for everybody making dua for my dad, who mashallah recovering well…may Allah swt reward all of you and keep us strong in our deen and protect us from the haraam shatan!!!

chill yo islam yo!!!! see even chill means cool off!


oh yea i have nothing against noble jews! who stand up for peace! and i eat these when there is no zabiha halal around

