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Taking Heed from the Signs of Allah (swt), Convert Story From GainPeace

Subhan’Allah, It’s amazing how people come to Islam through different ways,  most importantly take heed from the signs of Allah swt. A friend of mine shared a recent convert story in the aftermath of the deadly tornadoes/storms in the U.S. that is a must read, check it out below:

Jeffery had been studying Islam and reading the Quran for many months.

He literally read the Quran many times.  Two months ago when severe tornadoes and thunderstorms stuck Cullman, Alabama, Jeffery obtained shelter in his basement.  Petrified from lightening, thunder, darkness, Jeffery placed his two index fingers in his ears. As soon as he did that, Jeffery was reminded of the verse from the Quran.

Surah Baqarah 2.19:
“Or, it is like a heavy rain from the clouds, wherein is thick darkness and thunder and lightning; they put their fingers into their ears because of the thunder claps for fear of death, and ALLAH encompasses the disbelievers”.

After the tornadoes passed by, Jeffery, went online, read more about Islam, found GainPeace’s number (800-662-ISLAM) on an affiliated website of GainPeace in Australia, (mypeace.com.au) and called us to embrace Islam.
May Allah swt guide and protect all those who are suffering in the storms and reward everyone who’s helping. Keep them all in your dua’s.
Oh and Support GainPeace! =)